Friday, 22 October 2010

Ultima Ratio Regum

The last of the reason Kings, "Ultima Ratio Regum".

Ti Noel had spent his inheritance and, despite having reached the last misery, was leaving the same inheritance received. It was a body of flesh elapsed. And he understood now that the man never knows who suffer and wait for ....... But the greatness of man is precisely that he is wanting to improve what he is. In imposing Tasks to himself. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no greatness to conquer, since there all is an established  hierarchy, cleared incognita , eternal existence ...  therefore, overwhelmed with grief and tasks, beautiful in his misery, able to love in the midst of the plagues, the man just can find his greatness in the Kingdom of this World.
Alejo Carpentier, "The Kingdom of this World".

Ti Noel habia gastado su herencia y, a pesar de haber llegado a la ultima miseria, dejaba la misma herencia recibida. Era un cuerpo de carne transcurrida. Y comprendia, ahora, que el hombre nunca sabe para quien padece y espera....
...Pero la grandeza del hombre esta precisamente en querer mejorar lo que es. En imponerse Tareas. En el Reino de los Cielos no hay grandeza que consquistar, puesto que alla todo es jerarquia establecida, incognita despejada, existir sin termino... por ello, agobiado de penas y de tareas, hermoso dentro de su miseria, capaz de amar en medio de las plagas, el hombre solo puede hayar su grandeza en el Reino de este Mundo.
Alejo Carpentier. "El Reino de este Mundo".

Monday, 18 October 2010

The seeds.

Monday 18th October.
This is the latest.
"The seeds". £250.00

Robin Williamson sings he saw eternity.
Jesus said his kingdom was not from this world.
None of our kingdoms are from this world, however, Alejo Carpentier, wrote a masterpiece titled "The kingdom of this world".
Now days in this world, and despite our technological/ intellectual/ human rights evolution, to have shelter and a job is the ultimate goal. We have forgotten our kingdoms.
Lets try not to be sad...and confused.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Hundred Years.

A big step was made today. Hundred Years will be born soon.

"A hidden place" 80x100cms. £400.00

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Tuesday 5 October 2010

"Ojos de perro azul" £150.00

"No voice, no knickers" £250.00

"Last night I dreamt of you" £250.00

Monday, 4 October 2010

first post

Hi. Monday evening, new October, the 4th, grey humid of 2010.
No news yet. Waiting. Trying to do something practical. (I hate computers, blogs and facebook). Ohh well. Lets see how does it look.

No too bad...

These are some etchings/dry point on recycled paper..
You can get them for £80.00 each one.