Friday 17 June 2011

End of delusion. Removing time from my mind./ Fin del engaño. Borrando el tiempo de mi mente.

"Time and mind are inseparable. Remove time from the mind and it stops."
"El tiempo y la mente son inseparables. Saca el tiempo de la mente y  ésta se para."

Enrique Morente ha entrado hoy otra vez en mi casa, esta vez de la mano de mi nuevo y querido amigo R., desde Madrid. Mi padre había entrado a mi estudio un ratito antes, mostrándome la llave redonda de mi sueño. Y con ellos también entraron Pablo Picasso, Málaga, mi niñez, mi madurez, mi vida tan lejos...todo...alguien más, cómo no. En un instante de no-tiempo, todos ellos han compuesto una unidad junto conmigo. La voz de Enrique Morente cantando en directo desde ese no-tiempo, con su familia y queridos al lado, trayendo y llevando la belleza de la vida y nuestra humilde humanidad cargada de tiempo. La voz de un hombre llamando a un dios en nombre de todos los hombres, llamándolo y hablando con él y por él, haciéndonos estremecer con su canto en su viaje a través de un túnel al otro lado.
Vuelvo a escuchar el disco mientras deshago algo que hice hace tiempo. Deshaciendo, mientras deshago también los nudos atados los últimos tres años, labor que me ha ocupado un no-tiempo de varios meses, deshacer para hacer, empezar otro ahora.
Hoy Enrique Morente otra vez me hace escribiros aqui y contaros que lo que se me terminó poco despues de que él se fuera para siempre, ha abierto la puerta al tiempo sin Tiempo, a la Belleza sin mente, al Amor sin amantes...a ese otro modo de mirar afuera: con el corazón en su sitio, con el Ser.
Gracias R. Gracias Enrique. Gracias Papá.

Enrique Morente has entered today in my house again, this time by the hand of my new dear friend R. from Madrid. My father had come to my studio just a while before showing me the round key of my dream. With them also came Pablo Picasso, Málaga, my childhood, my maturity, my life so far...all...someone else, of course. In a moment of timelessness they all have composed an unity along with me. Morente's voice singing live from that no-time with his family and loved ones beside, taking and bringing the beauty of life and our humble humanity loaded with time. A man´s voice calling to a god on behalf of all men, calling and talking to him and through him, making us to shake with his singing in his journey through a tunnel to the other side. 
I listen to the disc again while undoing something I made some time  
ago. Undoing while I also undo the knots tied for the last three years, labour that has taken me a no-time of several months, to undo for doing, to start another Now.
 Today Enrique Morente has brought me back here to write and tell you that what I lost shortly after he departed, has opened the door to  time without Time, mindless Beauty, Love without that other way of looking outside: with the Heart in its place, with the Self.
Thanks R. Thanks Enrique. Thanks Dad.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Enrique Morente.


Enrique Morente died yesterday. 

While finishing this piece, on December 9, I was listening once again "Pablo de Málaga", the album that Enrique recorded in homage to Picasso and Málaga, the city where Pablo was born and where I grew up. I was hearing his voice and I was crying, crying and painting, and through my mind ran memories, sounds, smells ... everything that from the distance I also love, all of that which concentrates so well and so beautifully in the music, lyrics and vocals of this wonderful album. I couldn't guess by then that Morente was so close to go away for ever.

Enrique Morente died yesterday. 

From now on I will cry more when I will listen to it, but I want to say that my crying will be of love, beauty and gratitude:
to Enrique, to Picasso, to Málaga
... and to my father, who is also in it.

“A toast for all of you, Masters”


Enrique Morente murió ayer. 

Mientras terminaba esta pieza, el 9 de Diciembre, escuchaba una vez mas “Pablo de Málaga” el disco que Enrique grabo en homenaje a Picasso y a Málaga, la ciudad donde Pablo nació y donde yo crecí. Escuchaba su voz y lloraba, lloraba y pintaba, y en mi mente corrían memorias, sonidos, olores...todo lo que desde la distancia yo también amo, todo eso que se concentra tan bien y tan bellamente en la música, letra y voz de este maravilloso disco. En esos momentos no podía adivinar que Morente estaba tan cerca de marcharse para siempre.

Enrique Morente se murió ayer.
Desde ahora llorare mas cuando lo escuche, pero he de decir que el llanto mio es de amor, de belleza y de agradecimiento:
a Enrique, a Picasso, a Málaga,
...y a mi padre, que también esta en él.

“Va por ustedes, Maestros.”

Friday 26 November 2010

Christmas marketing, a cold and wintry perspective

Every year the same question
For all of us who, like Rembrandt himself, feel horrified before the idea of Christmas Shopping, we, the artists,
always suggest to our friends, to be sensible and leave the money in more human places, like market stalls, local craft shops and artists' studios, where the stoves, thanks to their contribution, can be relit with infinite gratitude.
So, here's my offer of the Santa Season:

Original Etchings from £50.00 to £150.00

Original drawings and paintings from £50.00 to £400.00

Now, I just have to sit and wait for a call or an email from someone wanting to buy a piece, and hopefully not freeze like poor Rembrandt's portrait and all the rest of my back-stream art work.

Friday 19 November 2010

The sea below

Updating. These are the three latest pieces which are travelling next week to Madrid to be part of a group show in Santiago Plata's  E4 Arte gallery .

"The sea below"
21x15 cms. Acrylic on flayer. £70.00 I watched the sea below, it seemed for a moment that the barely visible waves, looking like ripples, were the last sign of the body that had sunk there a week before...

33x15 cms. Acrylic on flayers. £100.00

33x15 cms. Acrylic on flayers. £100.00

Friday 22 October 2010

Ultima Ratio Regum

The last of the reason Kings, "Ultima Ratio Regum".

Ti Noel had spent his inheritance and, despite having reached the last misery, was leaving the same inheritance received. It was a body of flesh elapsed. And he understood now that the man never knows who suffer and wait for ....... But the greatness of man is precisely that he is wanting to improve what he is. In imposing Tasks to himself. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no greatness to conquer, since there all is an established  hierarchy, cleared incognita , eternal existence ...  therefore, overwhelmed with grief and tasks, beautiful in his misery, able to love in the midst of the plagues, the man just can find his greatness in the Kingdom of this World.
Alejo Carpentier, "The Kingdom of this World".

Ti Noel habia gastado su herencia y, a pesar de haber llegado a la ultima miseria, dejaba la misma herencia recibida. Era un cuerpo de carne transcurrida. Y comprendia, ahora, que el hombre nunca sabe para quien padece y espera....
...Pero la grandeza del hombre esta precisamente en querer mejorar lo que es. En imponerse Tareas. En el Reino de los Cielos no hay grandeza que consquistar, puesto que alla todo es jerarquia establecida, incognita despejada, existir sin termino... por ello, agobiado de penas y de tareas, hermoso dentro de su miseria, capaz de amar en medio de las plagas, el hombre solo puede hayar su grandeza en el Reino de este Mundo.
Alejo Carpentier. "El Reino de este Mundo".

Monday 18 October 2010

The seeds.

Monday 18th October.
This is the latest.
"The seeds". £250.00

Robin Williamson sings he saw eternity.
Jesus said his kingdom was not from this world.
None of our kingdoms are from this world, however, Alejo Carpentier, wrote a masterpiece titled "The kingdom of this world".
Now days in this world, and despite our technological/ intellectual/ human rights evolution, to have shelter and a job is the ultimate goal. We have forgotten our kingdoms.
Lets try not to be sad...and confused.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Hundred Years.

A big step was made today. Hundred Years will be born soon.

"A hidden place" 80x100cms. £400.00